Join HRiC’s Key Stakeholder Advisory Group

HRiC is forming a global network of lawyers, researchers and advocates dedicated to improving maternity care - everywhere. Join us! Human Rights in Childbirth (HRiC) is developing a new strategy to inform our advocacy and strategic direction over the next three...

Terms of Reference: Key Stakeholder Advisory Group (KSAG)

Human Rights in Childbirth (HRiC) is developing a new strategy to inform our advocacy and strategic direction over the next three years. Our goal is to develop a sustainable network of key stakeholders in order to make full use of, and build on, our collective skills...

Forced Sterilisation during Caesarean and Informed Consent – the case of I.V. vs Bolivia

I.V. vs. Bolivia was the first time the Inter-American Court of Human Rights analysed the foundations of the right to informed consent.

Shared Decision Making in Maternity Care

In this article HRiC outlines its opinion on shared decision making and how it relates to human rights, specifically in maternity care.

Report on Rights Violations in Maternity Care During COVID-19

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, HRiC has been collecting reports of disproportionate human rights violations in maternity care. The first set of rights violations have been published in a report (available below) and sent to the United Nations. , The...

Contribute to our Second Report on Violations in Maternity Care during COVID-19

Help us document what is happening taken in maternity care services in your country - send us a submission by Friday, 10 July 2020.The COVID pandemic is having an enormous impact on maternity care around the world. Minute by minute, day by day, practices and norms are...

HRiC informs European Parliament Action on Maternity Care during COVID-19

HRiC has been working with a Member of European Parliament to bring light to some of the problems women throughout Europe and the world are facing in maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Report Rights Violations during COVID-19

Help us document what is happening taken in maternity care services in your country - send us a submission by Friday, 24 April.The COVID pandemic is having an enormous impact on maternity care around the world. Minute by minute, day by day, practices and norms are...

Midwifing Us Through the Epidemic

Now is the time to press our governments and policy makers to support midwifery care in communities as part of policies to address climate change or Green New Deals that are being prepared around the world – to make sure we are well-prepared for the next emergency or pandemic. We ignore midwifery models of care, essential midwifery skills, community and home birth at our peril – future generations will depend on them as part of crisis response.

Communications Volunteer Position

HRiC is seeking a communications volunteer – apply by 30 April 2019!

Contribute Content for the HRiC Website

HRIC welcomes volunteer contributions for our website from people all over the world, from a multitude of professional backgrounds.

Contributions can take one of two forms:

1) Articles for the HRIC website

If you have a topic you would like to write an article about for the HRIC website, have published interesting research or legal opinions that you feel would be interesting to the members of our community, please send us an email at so we can discuss details.

Submissions for blog posts are typically 300-500 words in length, with more in-depth topics being covered in longer articles or in a series of articles.

We are open to many topics and points of you, but please keep in mind that acceptance of proposals and submissions is at the discretion of our editorial team.

2) Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Images

HRIC aims to represent different types of experiences during the pregnancy, birth and postpartum periods from all over the world. Representing diversity in type of birth, type of care and setting, as well as diversity in the people included in the images on our website is an important part of our work.

If you are a photographer or have images from your private albums that you would like to share, please reach out to us at We will ask you to sign a donation agreement and/or model release. We will also endeavour to provide you with image credits whenever that is possible.

We are especially open to contributions of images that include people of colour and/or with disabilities.

Images should be high resolution, horizontal (landscape), at least 1Mb in size and in JPEG or PNG format.

While we are open to images of all types, but please keep in mind that acceptance of images is at the discretion of our editorial team.